Sunday 18 November 2012

My friends are in awe of what I’m doing…

…but they’ll never fly with me. One of the disadvantages of having such supportive friends is that they relive every scary moment of my training with me. I've confessed every mishap,mistake and general f@#k up. Consequently I really can’t envisage a situation where they’ll ever be comfortable with me as the pilot!*

E hates flying at the best of times, the smaller the plane the more likely she is to die, in her opinion. KW is mildly amused at my use of milk crates for my preflight but distinctly horrified at my use of cushions for the actual flying (No KW they are not regulation approved cushions!). I can’t imagine that JN has any faith in my coordination skills when I had to call her last year because I got my jacket button wedged in my keyboard tray and couldn’t get myself free**.
I’m not even sure that RTH would sit as a passenger if I was flying, although to be fair this probably has to do with his need to be in control than his lack of faith in my abilities (I hope!).

I guess I’d better get used to flying solo. I may be doing an awful lot of it!

*Especially when the first question you have to ask them is "How much do you weigh?"

** Seriously I managed to permanently attach myself to my keyboard tray in such a way that pinned my limbs to my chair. We had to get maintenance to sort it out. I couldn't actually get up. And yes, they let me fly a plane!


  1. At least your friends are forthright in their comments. My friends were all like, "cool, when can I go up with you?" When I announced I had my license and told them I would be happy to cost share a flight they all scattered to the four winds.

    1. That's kind of sad but not uncommon, so I hear :(
      How often do you get to fly? are you a member of a club or something? Do you have to fly regularly to maintain your currency with the club?

      I've resigned myself to the fact that I may have put my friends off but at the moment their support during this journey is more important to me, so I'll take what I can.

      Scarily enough the boss has expressed interest in coming up with me. Might be a good time to talk payrise !!!
