I remember it very well because I was out walking with a friend from work
at the time. The basic jist of the conversation was, “HI WMAP, Plane’s booked
at this time, so I’ll see you half an hour before for our briefing. You might
want to have a look at the slow flight lesson in the flight training manual, Oh
and maybe lesson 12 as well” <oh so
casually said>.
I went white(er than usual). Friend obviously noticed something was up
and made the appropriate enquiries. I explained that Lesson 12 was the dreaded
“Stalls”. Once she was happy in her mind what I was talking about (illustrated
by said friend making an airplane shape with her hand and imitating it hurtling
down nose first). She proceeded to make the following observation
“Oh, Well you’re
probably going to die then” and continued walking.
LOL Zoe! My mum literally expresses the same sentiments. I miss u!