Thursday 23 August 2012

A degree in physics…

.. but sometimes I struggle with the seatbelt L
It’s more complicated than it looks to physically get yourself set up in the cockpit. There’s not a lot of wiggle room. You have to coordinate finding somewhere to stow your headset within easy reach (you don’t need it on until about halfway down your checklist, and putting it on before means you can’t hear anything), getting your cushions under your ass and behind your back (if you are short like me), pulling your seat forward, fastening your seatbelt (which works just enough like a car seatbelt to lull you into a false sense of security but is actually subtly different) and shutting the door (due to the confined space, this actually needs to be done after you fix your seatbelt). It’s no wonder I’m a sweaty mess before I’ve even moved the plane. Now multiply this by the fact that you both need to sort this out in tandem.
If your instructor is a gentleman (like mine) he will attempt to assist you, however, it still requires a degree of both cooperation and understanding that your instructor is trying to help rather than randomly grope you!

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