Friday 17 August 2012

I am not an antelope

A delightfully helpful comment from RTH, and I quote “Your radio calls still sound like an antelope caught in the headlights”. I can’t even begin to think about what’s wrong with that sentence. Oh so many things!
However he may have a point. Initially my radio calls were very confident, because I’d spent hours rehearsing the damn things. In real life though, radio calls are like a conversation. They don’t go as planned. You actually have to listen and respond in a reasonably quick time frame. At the moment my brain still takes too long to parse the information I’m given for me to formulate the response. A brilliant moment today was over the practice area. Bob says “Go ahead and make a position call” “by all means” says I, full of confidence. “Err, Bob. Where am I?”
For the record, sweetie-pie. I was listening to some of your first radio calls. They weren’t much better!

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