Tuesday 23 October 2012

I remember, part one

I remember Bob telling Ground that he was getting out for an instructor drop-off and it would be my first solo

I remember checking that Bob’s door was locked and then I called Ground to get my taxi clearance. I told them it was my first solo, I reckon it didn’t hurt for them to know. I wanted everyone out of my way!
I remember taxiing very slowly because there was a giant, honking Porter right in front of me and I didn’t want to get too close.

I have vague recollections of being in the run up area doing my checks. I distinctly recall ending my sounded out loud Go/No Go brief with “and who the hell are you actually talking to at the moment?”
I taxied to the hold short line and saw traffic on final, so I waited

And waited

And waited
And waited
There was a lot of traffic suddenly, and SAR was doing a full stop and back track on my runway.
I made the call to the tower anyway because I just wanted them to know I was there.
Bizarrely enough I remember being told to hold short 24/26 but I don’t ever recall getting my takeoff clearance. Yet somehow there I was taxiing out to the threshold…..
More to follow…..

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