Monday, 10 December 2012

Back in the front again

Back from Florida to minus temperatures and the threat of snow. I was meant to be flying the next day but looking at the METAR I wasn’t holding out much hope. Basically had a choice of fly in the morning with potentially nasty crosswinds or fly in the afternoon with the threat of very low ceilings and very gusty winds.

I rolled the dice and went with the morning option. Good call. Managed to get 0.9 hours worth of circuits in. No solo stuff though, the clouds were coming down and Bob was hesitant to put me up in that situation. No arguments here.
Didn’t stop him pulling random engine and flap failures though. He claimed that it was good to practice flap failures as in the winter there’s the potential for that to happen. I opined that it was less to do with the weather and more to do with a certain instructor’s sadistic tendencies! Still I got it down on the runway with no real hassles. Ha! That showed him!

And I appear to have finally figured out where the damn centre line is. At last. The guys in the tower are breathing a sigh of relief!


  1. Well you are doing better than I. 200 hours later and I still don't bisect the centreline very often. Too much flying on grass strips... err... well... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :-)

    1. I'd reckon grass strips could be cool. It feels silly to practice soft field takeoffs on a tarmac runway!
