Saturday, 29 November 2014

My mission…

…and I have chosen to accept it!

Now that I’ve got a licence (a proper shiny one from Transport Canada!) I need something to focus on. I need to fly every month to keep current at the flight school and I know me; being the conservative flyer that I am, if I’m not careful I know that all I’ll do each month is fly out to Claremont, pootle around a bit and come home.

Okay but not exactly riveting and hardly a good use of all my hard work.

So I need a plan and I need to push myself while I still have the confidence to do so. I’m kind a feeling on top of my game at the moment, like a proper pilot. Let’s capitalise on that. Let’s take the things I’m still nervy and unsure about and work on those.

Well finding airports, even larger international ones has always been a teensy bit of a problem for me and I still struggle to visualise joining paths for the circuit.

We should do something about that. 

Here it is then.

My mission

I am going to visit every single airport on my sectional chart.

Now some of them I won’t be able to land at because the insurance won’t let me land on anything over than a hard surface (so no gravel or grass) but I can at least do a “low and over”. Either way I’m going to find those suckers!

Obviously this is a majorly long term plan, we are talking years probably. But at least when I find myself needing to fly, I’ll have a goal in mind.


  1. That's a wonderful plan. Do you have an old sectional that you can pin up on your wall and mark?

    I think your furthest destination is St Jean Du Lac, which will be a 4 hour round trip. Your quest becomes a little easier if you confine yourself to the Canadian airports.

    Will you as CYYZ for a low-and-over? I'm told they will sometimes allow that :).


    1. I have had a sectional taped to the wall in my room for a while now in anticipation of this mission. I fully intend to use pins, index cards and whatever else takes my fancy to turn it into a spectacular display.

      As I wrote that post I had a moment of "hmm what about Pearson". Some further investigation to be done but it must be possible
