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The rare Blue Yeti in its natural environment |
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Saturday, 29 November 2014
My mission…
…and I have chosen to accept it!
Now that I’ve got a licence (a proper shiny one from
Transport Canada!) I need something to focus on. I need to fly every month to
keep current at the flight school and I know me; being the conservative flyer
that I am, if I’m not careful I know that all I’ll do each month is fly out to
Claremont, pootle around a bit and come home.
Okay but not exactly riveting and hardly a good use of all
my hard work.
So I need a plan and I need to push myself while I still have
the confidence to do so. I’m kind a feeling on top of my game at the moment,
like a proper pilot. Let’s capitalise on that. Let’s take the things I’m still
nervy and unsure about and work on those.
Well finding airports, even larger international ones has
always been a teensy bit of a problem for me and I still struggle to visualise
joining paths for the circuit.
We should do something about that.
Here it is then.
My mission
I am going to
visit every single airport on my sectional chart.
Now some of them I won’t be able to land at because the
insurance won’t let me land on anything over than a hard surface (so no gravel
or grass) but I can at least do a “low and over”. Either way I’m going to find
those suckers!
Obviously this is a majorly long term plan, we are talking years
probably. But at least when I find myself needing to fly, I’ll have a goal in
Friday, 28 November 2014
It is officially official.
Got home yesterday to this in the mail:
My shiny, new, official aviation booklet.
It’s full of official looking stuff and far too many images of my
There are many abbreviations inside; including the fact that I’m
officially a PPL SEL.
That’s Single Engine Land.
I informed RTH that I needed to get both my Sea and Multi engine
rating ASAP.
Because then I’d be SMELS, and I find that funnier than I should!
In true Canadian Bureaucratic style though, all is not as simple as
it should be. My “Aviation Documentt” negates the need to carry my medical
certificate with me (it’s now a sticker in the back of the booklet) but it
doesn’t include my radio licence (different department you see) so I still have
a loose piece of paper that I need to lug around.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Never ready
One of the things that plagued me throughout my training
was my lack of belief that I was ready to do certain things.
I knew I would never, ever feel ready for my first solo,
clinging on to Bob’s presence in the cockpit like a safety blanket. It was always touch and go as to whether I
was ever going to agree to him getting out. Even now I’m still not convinced
that I was ready. Bob obviously differed in his opinion!
I didn’t feel ready to do my solo cross country; I had a serious moment or two in the flight
school that morning. I wasn’t exactly crying (I don’t do the public crying
thing) but I was definitely emotional and on the ragged edge. I oh so nearly did not get in that plane. I’m not exaggerating when I say I literally
put one hand on the door of the plane and then turned away, ready walk back
into the flight school and give up.
My second cross country was slightly better. I’d been
cancelled off due to weather so many times that I was itching to get it done. I
suspect I was very much of the mindset of “well what else can go wrong? I
couldn’t find either of the airports on my first trip.” Of course I had no idea
that the Harvards were going to throw me a serious curveball.
Once they were out of the way. Bob and I knew that it was
all flight test prep from here. Once again I didn’t think I’d ever get there.
The power on stalls were a serious problem for a long time. I suspect I had Bob
pulling his hair out over those. Just as
I got bogged down in the circuit for what seemed like forever, I got mired down
in the airwork. Hovering at the “close, but not quite good enough” level.
My flight test seemed an eternity away, which for a while
was ok, I couldn’t even contemplate taking my checkride.
Then I started getting annoyed with myself. I began to
resent the airwork, I enjoyed flying; I didn’t enjoy the constant stall after
stall after stall.
What was probably blatantly obvious to anyone else, came
slowly to me. The realisation that the only thing standing between me and me
flight test was, well, me! So out went the frustration and on came the game
Focus, focus, focus, every flight.
When the frustration and impatience boiled over, Bob kept
saying the same thing to me “we’ll both know when it’s time for your flight
I couldn’t comprehend what he meant. I was terrified at the
thought. It was “first solo” time all over again. I’d never agree to it. I had a
suspicion in the back of my mind that Bob’d have to book it without me knowing
or something.
But surely enough we got there. Bob chose another instructor for me to have a practice flight test with and suddenly I realised that I could actually do this.
But surely enough we got there. Bob chose another instructor for me to have a practice flight test with and suddenly I realised that I could actually do this.
Oh for sure it wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t that bad
either. It was certainly good enough that Bob did my letter of recommendation
there and then. We started talking
Amazingly Bob had been right after all.
I was ready and I knew it.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew that my passing wasn’t a
certainty. I was still more than capable of messing something up. But I was
equally capable of getting through it intact as well.
It was time for sure.
Well we all know how it went down. I passed.
At the very end of the debrief the examiner asked me if
there was anything unusual or unexpected about the test itself.
I contemplated this for a good few moments and concluded “No,
it all went exactly as I knew it would.”
And it had, exactly as I’d done with Bob and TOI.
“Well Bob prepared you well then” was the examiners final
comment to me.
And he had. Both in terms of skill but also
psychologically; I was as well prepared mentally as I was physically.
And now I’m a pilot and I’ve taken passengers who survived
the experience!
I think that the best way I can pay Bob back for all his
hard work, commitment and belief in me is to simply get out there and use my
And that is exactly what I plan to do. I have a mission. I'll tell you about it later!
Now if someone could just tell the weather!
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Not exactly flying weather
High winds would be a bit of an understatement. I grabbed
this screenshot from last night*.
At those wind speeds you could become airborne from a
standing start. The upper winds were a more-than-sporty 70 + knots. I tried to
explain to K how we could end up flying backwards at those wind speeds.
On a more serious note at least one local airport had some
serious damage to some of their hangers and planes.
Luckily D’s plane was unharmed; apparently the FBO had
someone there all night ensuring that the tie downs held.
*apologies for the volume bar, I still haven't gotten the hang of screenshots on this phone.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Inertia is a powerful force.
Blog is probably going to stay as it is, just because I can’t
honestly be bothered to be creative and sort it out.
Am contemplating changing the profile name.
More stuff for you when the writing bug strikes me again.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Guest post from K
This is my story of my first flight with LFE– or as I like to call it, “’The Bumps are
Okay’ – this and other Life Lessons with LFE”.
First of all, I wouldn’t say I’m afraid of flying. I prefer to define myself as being highly uncomfortable with it. But when I
heard that LFE was taking flying lessons I had no doubt that she would be an
amazing pilot. I’ve known LFE for over
three years, and during that time she has always projected herself as a calm
and competent person. Exactly what you want
in a pilot, really.
As a friend, I got to hear about all of the ups and downs
(literally and figuratively) in her journey to become a pilot. While she may have doubted herself from time
to time I never did. She is intelligent
and analytical; a quick-witted person with a dry and hilariously sarcastic
sense of humor. But that big brain is equally matched with a huge heart – so
that is why when LFE asked me to be her first passenger/guinea pig I agreed
without hesitation. My husband, who has a much bigger sense of adventure than I
do, also immediately jumped on the guinea pig train - er, plane as it were.
So, after deciding on a destination, and then a plan B
destination, the day finally arrived and the three of us headed to the airport.
But unlike the other commercial flight passengers, we got to take a different
route to our plane. Like the group of
cool kids that we are.
I had an idea of how small the plane would be, but I had
never actually seen one close up in real life.
They are small! So small in fact,
that my 6’ tall husband bumped his head on the wing. Twice. Now, my “flying discomfort” is having
an internal fight with my mild claustrophobia. But I’m not going to tell LFE
that. So, after LFE completes her inspection she buckles my husband and I into
the plane, and surprisingly, it’s cosy, not claustrophobic. I’m in the front so I have lots of leg space
– which is good because I don’t want to be anywhere near the steering wheel
thingy (yes, I just said “thingy”) or the pedals that lay before me. LFE jumps in the plane and with gentle
authority says “here is Bob” and hands me her small pilot bear. I don’t question this. I’m glad to have a soft cuddly friend tucked
into my arm.
“Okay! Welcome to LFE Airlines!” my pilot friend says to my
husband and I as she turns in her seat to give us the safety lowdown along with
her ‘here’s what you can expect’ speech.
We get to the ‘in an emergency’ bit and LFE explains the steps to me of
what to do in an emergency landing. My uncomfortable-with-flying
mind micro-focuses on these steps and I forget that this is for emergency
purposes only. Suddenly I’m thinking
that I have to open the door before the plane lands and put a pillow in front
of my face anytime we land. My ready to leave now. Luckily before I jump ship –
er, plane – I quietly communicate my unease with this responsibility and my
non-judgemental friend reiterates that this is only for an emergency. And all is well again.
Until LFE turns on the plane.
Let’s take a moment to remember that I can only compare
this to commercial flights, and what it’s like driving a car. When the pilot of
a commercial plane turns on the engine, the passengers hear the audible
“Vvvvrooomm!” of the engine along with the strong but subtle vibration. Cars
have a similar but much softer reaction to the engine being turned. But now I
am hearing a “gugida gugida gugida” and feeling a shaking that I can liken to a
dogs’ body when it wags its tail so enthusiastically that the entire body
shakes and bobbles. If this was a car this
would not be good. I would not drive in
a car behaving this way. But I say
nothing. Clearly if this was not normal,
LFE would say something. Prior to flying
we had agreed that if something went wrong LFE would tell us. I know LFE, and I trust her. But I don’t know this plane, and my only real
fear for this flight is something going wrong with the plane in the air; and I
can only watch helplessly as LFE quietly tries to bring us back to safety. If
something is wrong, I want to know,
darnit! That’s just how I am.
And now for takeoff.
This is always the worst part for me on a commercial flight. I can feel the plane leave the ground and I
think to myself, “Well there you go.
There’s nothing I can do about this now. We’re no longer on solid
ground.” But I didn’t have the same
feeling in this tiny plane. There is
just so much to see from every direction! Don’t get me wrong – I still was
holding my breath, blinking hard, and trying to suck back the fear. But LFE seemed cool as a proverbial cucumber,
and I could hear my husband’s giddy “woo hoo!” from the back seat, so that was
a bit of comfort. I learned quickly that
if I focus on taking pictures I could distract myself from my mostly illogical
fear. Was it illogical of me to think
that if I leaned too far on my side to take a photo I might actually tip the
plane? Well, regardless, Bob the bear co-pilot and I did not move much in our
seat. But I did take a cute selfie of the two of us.
Then came the bumps.
I suppose I should call it turbulence, but to me it was
just a lot of frickin’ bumps in a really frickin’ small plane. I don’t remember
how I externalized my fear of the bumps (I had promised myself I would not be
afraid of turbulence like some idiot) but LFE pointed to the sheet of grey
cloud above our head and explained that they were throwing up air that would
feel like waves but it’s okay. It was a
perfect explanation as they did indeed feel like waves, and it was indeed okay.
Eventually, as I do with commercial flights, I finally felt
acclimatised to the plane flying in the air, and I took some time to sit back
and enjoy the view. I’ll even go so far
as to say I felt pretty awesome up there with my official head set and mic,
listening to all of the official weather reports, and other pilot speak
crackling through the radio. It was during this awesomeness that the sparkly
snowflakes appeared before our eyes. Now
this is where my ignorance really comes into play because I didn’t know the
oh-so-pretty snowflakes could actually be oh-so-dangerous. LFE very calmly
announced that we are going to turn around.
Her demeanor was so calm that I thought she thought I was still having a
tough time. But snow is a no-go, and so we turned around and I enjoyed an
amazing view of the city.
Then, it was time for the landing. A.k.a. more bumps. Ever
the diligent pilot, LFE explained that there would be more bumps, but bumps are
okay. “Bumps are okay” I repeated out
loud three times until my brain believed it. I was able to repeat this mantra
silently to myself as we made it though unscathed, though Bob the bear co-pilot
probably didn’t appreciate the not-so-gentle squeezes he received.
The landing itself was surprisingly soft – but hey,
ignorance is bliss. Who knew that this softer-than-a-commercial-flight landing
of LFE’s was not entirely perfect? Either way, I was happy to be safely on the
ground, but disappointed that the flight had to be cut short. I was actually having fun! Imagine that!
So now the big question: would my husband and I fly with LFE
again? Definitely! Hours after our first flight we began planning our second
which we will do when the weather is warmer and more predictable. And perhaps less bumpy.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Passenger pictures
Theory is when you know everything but nothing works
Practice is when everything works but no one knows why
In this office we combine theory and practice: Nothing works and no
one knows why.
Friday, 21 November 2014
What to do?
I’m in a bit of a quandary about what to do with this blog. I
created the persona of WMAP, the World’s Most Anxious Person. A
scared-beyond-belief student pilot who was fairly convinced that she’d never
ever be able to do this. That at some point I’d hit the metaphorical wall and
we’d all politely agree to call it a day.
I started documenting my thoughts and LocalFlightEast the blog was born.
LocalFlightEast was a student pilot’s blog.
I’m not a student anymore. Believe it or not I’m now a fully
qualified, calm, competent and dare I say it, confident, Private Pilot.
Honestly, I am! I’ve taken passengers and everything. I made good,
solid decisions and ended up with at least one passenger who was less nervous
at the end than the start.
So while I have every intention of carrying on with the blogging. I’m
unsure where to go from here.
Do I…
- Leave everything as it is, despite the fact that my profile and the intro blurb says I’m a nervous student
- Revamp the look of LFE, changing the intro and my profile description
- Start a new blog with my adventures as a freshly qualified PPL
- Or something else
Thoughts anyone?
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Seeking advice and the fine line
I have no problem is seeking advice from others. Especially when
they have more experience and knowledge than me (for that read pretty much
anybody!). So when the previous flyer of JES returned the keys back to dispatch
I took a moment to ask them about the current conditions out East.
His take on the weather confirmed my suspicions that the conditions
were slightly worse than the forecast would have me believe. Mentally I had
already cancelled our planned trip around Lake Skugog and was weighing up our
options for a different sightseeing route.
Good solid advice there and well worth listening to.
And then he said something a little odd. He suspected that the ASI
was reading high. Now planes do have quirks and little irritants. It might be
that the Heading Indicator drifts more than you’d like or one mag shows a
little more rpm drop than the other, but an off ASI was not something I’d ever
come across.
He claimed that at 2200rpm it was showing 120 KIAS in cruise. We
both agreed that was very optimistic for the R model who usually pootles along
quite happily at 110 KIAS at that setting. He reckoned it was reading about 10
knots too high.
I puzzled over this, not saying much as I mentally processed the
implications of this. “Yeah, just don’t get too slow….” he tailed off.
I nodded and turned back to my passengers, flashing them a smile to
show that all was well. I still didn’t know what to do with that info. If he
really thought it was that off, he should have snagged it. I parked the info
away and decided I’d just keep a careful eye on it and not do anything different.
Sure enough she rotated at the expected speed, gave me best rate of
climb at the expected 79 knots, the “best rate” not being that great with three
passengers and 30 gallons of fuel on board.
And at cruise, she was trimmed and steady at a constant 110 KIAS,
exactly what I’d expect. I shrugged it off. Maybe JES was being a bit naughty
for him, or maybe he was mistaken. I don’t know.
I just know that it would have been very easy for me to take his
word as gospel and knock 10 knots off all my standard speeds. Given the
slightly blowy conditions on landing, well that could have gotten a little more
than sporty.
As a new pilot you are very vulnerable to the opinions of experts,
it really is a fine line between hanging on every word you are told and not
seeking advice at all.
I guess you find the balance eventually.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Still trying to fight the good fight
And promise me, you will NEVER,
EVER buy this book for your kid
edited to add this site has just been drawn to my attention: http://www.themarysue.com/feminist-hacker-barbie-site/
please feel free to share your creations
edited to add this site has just been drawn to my attention: http://www.themarysue.com/feminist-hacker-barbie-site/
please feel free to share your creations
Ignorance is bliss
For your passengers at least.
We are on our way back from our somewhat shortened flight but
everyone appears to be having a good time, pilot included.
But now it’s time for the fun part, the part they are going to
The landing.
The winds have gotten up to the 20 knot mark, about 20 degrees off the runway. I’ve certainly done worse but it is getting up to the “sporty” end
of my comfort level.
Still, it has to be done. I put all my attention into getting on a
nice stable approach, my passengers mercifully responding well to my “I’m about
to get a little busy here” and contenting themselves with much taking of
I’m obviously giving this my full attention but once again I’m
trying hard not to communicate any stress to my passengers, that’s not how I
want them to remember this flight. I’m actually on a pretty sweet approach. I
don’t normally pay much attention to the PAPI lights but I see white over red. I’ll take that for sure. A touch of power sees me right as I hit the inevitable
gust of wind from Yonge Street, a local phenomenon that I’ve become all too familiar
I’m actually going to pull this off. I even have enough capacity to
inform my passengers that the fact the engine is at full idle is normal. I’ve
powered back, it hasn’t quit on us.
We land, remarkably within sight of the centreline!
My passengers are reasonably impressed, although completely
ignorant of the fact that I’ve just completed an amazing shortfield landing
without even trying. I could have been completely stationary by Charlie and I
certainly didn’t need to drag it in under power.
Then again they are also ignorant of the fact that I flared a
little early and a little high and brought her down just a little firmer than I’d like.
It all balances out I guess!
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Calm and confident
Confidence is everything, especially when you have passengers. I
realised very quickly that passengers take their cues from you. If you are calm
and confident, then they are relaxed.
Knowing my own little quirks I’d already told K and M that if I
went quiet it wasn’t anything to be concerned about. I was just busy flying the
plane. I assured them that if anything was wrong I would definitely tell them,
as I’d need their cooperation. In the same vein, if I swore to myself it was
probably because I hadn’t done something as well as I could have, nothing
dangerous; just a little mental kick.
The thing is though; I didn’t actually have to fake the confidence.
I really did feel it. This was a routine flight, covering ground I’d been over
a hundred times before. Yes the weather was a potential concern but I was
confident in my preparedness, I knew where it was coming from and I knew what
my “escape route” was.
I hope I projected that. A couple of times K was asking me
questions along the line of “how comfortable are you now with the conditions?”
I knew this really meant that she wasn’t sure about things and wanted
some reassurance. Reassurance I could happily give because everything was
totally fine. I wasn’t even worried about the dropping cloudbase in front of
us. My preparation had been thorough, I was thoroughly briefed weatherwise and
has spent 10 minutes or so before leaving home just looking at my chart. Despite
being intimately familiar with the airspace I checked and double checked the local
geography, the airspaces around me.
Even while my passengers were “ooh” and “ahhing” at the pretty crystals
sparkling in the air around us, I was calmly evaluating the situation, casually
glancing over at the wheels to check for any telltale signs of icing.
There was none to be seen and the snow was fairly light and patchy
but I knew the forecast was only due to get worse, the winds were obviously
stronger than forecast already. I knew it was time to go back and communicated
this to my passengers.
Obviously I did it in such a way that didn’t alarm them in the
slightest. K was more concerned that I was turning back because of her. I
simply told them that the weather conditions were no longer conducive to a fun
flight. Which was pretty much the truth.
The last text message I got from Bob before my flight test was “Confidence
and calm”
It seems I finally got there!
Monday, 17 November 2014
The perils of passengers
The whole point of getting your PPL is to fly places and take
people with you. Your training more than adequately covers the former activity
but leaves you woefully unprepared for the latter.
Beyond telling you the legal points you need to cover in your
safety briefing, no one mentions anything else beyond that.
Time for some willing victims, I mean volunteers. People who I can
practice the fickle art of being a pilot on.
Cue K and M. Both inquisitive and intelligent and willing to
provide honest feedback on how I performed from a passenger management point of
view. Especially with K being a slightly nervous passenger, it was good
practice for my being the kind and reassuring voice of reason.
After having the privilege of taking them on a flight, I now have
time to review my performance.
Firstly, I’ve learnt that no matter how much you tell them to be
careful on the apron, the second your back is turned, they will walk into your
airplane (twice in M’s case!)
I also need to work on my passenger brief a little to make sure
there is no ambiguity about what I’m talking about. I didn’t want to use the
word “crash” or anything along those lines when talking about emergency
landings, so I tend to use the phrase “If we need to land somewhere other than
an airport” as a euphemism for a forced landing. K got a little confused when I
described the procedure for covering your face and opening the door prior to
touchdown. She thought I meant for any landing. I’ll work on that for
Generally though they agreed that I got the balance between telling
them enough to reassure and inform them without overloading them with too much
K mentioned that it was a little unnerving when it took me a few seconds
of cranking to get the engine to catch. That’s a tough one, it was a cold day
but the engine was warm, always tricky to decide between a hot and cold start.
I don’t like to overprime as fuel injected engines can be prone to vapour lock.
One thing I did do that was kind of sneaky and I’m just a little
bit proud of, is also kind of funny. K warned me that she doesn’t like takeoffs
in particular. I knew exactly what she meant. It used to be my least favourite
thing when travelling as a passenger with RTH.
K and I are very similar in some ways (we both have similar OCD rituals
on the way to work for example). I was worried that she’d do what I’ve heard
stories about some passengers doing, namely panicking and grabbing on to the first
thing available. When you are in the front seat, that thing could be the
control column.
That can’t happen. A diversion is needed. K needed a job. A very
important one.
K became guardian of Bob (the bear, from this post). Sure enough,
it kept her hands occupied, Bob spent the flight being firmly held in her lap
or tucked under her arm. When things got a bit bumpy, he got a reassuring
Funny but effective.
Looking back at the video (it’ll be on YouTube soon) I think I need
to provide a little bit more commentary on the local area. I was a little quiet
but K and M didn’t seem to complain. They were very good at stopping talking
whenever anything was going on radiowise. I’d talked to them about this
beforehand. Actually M seemed fairly interested in the radio chatter. He could
barely comprehend how I managed to take in what was being thrown at me at such
a rapid pace and understand it, let alone formulate a response.
I’d love to tell him that it was some special magical skill but we
all know how much I struggled with this at the start. The truth is, it is
purely practice. Nothing else.
All in all, it was a fantastic first passenger flight and has given
me much to think about in regards to my next passengers.
I can’t wait to be up there again!
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Good sports
The happy smiling couple you saw in the previous post are K and M.
I used to work with K and about a year ago, she married M. The more cynical
amongst you might point out that they are happy and smiling because they took
the photo before getting in the plane!
But no, they were still happy and smiling once we’d completed our
flight as well.
You have to realise just what good sports the pair of them are. K
doesn’t actually like small aircraft and M has only met me once before. Quite
frankly I was incredibly flattered that he’d even consider getting in the plane
with me, but hey, apparently he did. He strikes me as a fairly pragmatic guy,
his reasoning being that someone gave me a licence so I must be relatively
K, well K is just incredible, self-confessed nervous before we even
got in the plane. But also please bear in mind that K has been with me through
out every hurdle in this epic journey. She’s heard firsthand accounts of every
single problem I’ve encountered, every single thing I’ve f#cked up and every
single thing that scared me. I honestly thought that would leave her extremely reluctant
to set foot in a plane with me. I mean it hardly inspires confidence does it?
K has a slightly different and probably unique perspective on the
situation though. She said something along
the lines of “if I get in a commercial plane, I’ve never met the pilot. I don’t
know if they are having a bad day, if they have decided to cut corners because
they are in a hurry or if they’ve just come straight from the bar. I know you.
I know how much you’ve trained for this and all the emergency stuff you’ve had
to practice. I can see what is going on”
Turns out that K has control issues just like me!
K and M were awesome to have as my first passengers. The right mix
of keen and but realising subtle things like when I said “I’m about to get busy”
I really needed them to be quiet.
Despite rating herself as “mildly terrified” at one point, we had
barely touched down when K was enquiring as to when we might be able to go up
In return for the flight, K especially was very willing to provide
useful feedback as to what passengers want or need to hear from their pilot.
Being a pilot isn’t just about flying a plane, it’s also about
managing your passengers. And that’s a whole other blog post!
But anyway, thanks for being awesome passengers guys!
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