Monday, 22 April 2013

I have a dream.

I’m lying here in the sun, synthesizing some vitamin D (all Canadians are deficient after the 6 month winters!), slowly allowing my mile-a-minute mind to ease off. Dozing in the sun, keeping one eye out for the pool girl to order my next Margarita and dreaming.

Like many people before me, I have a dream. Mine isn’t Earth shattering in the realms of human rights or engineering prowess, but it is, for me a powerful one none the less.
OK My Dream….

I’m having a draining week at work*, so I decide I want to fly somewhere at the weekend. I don’t have to persuade RTH, negotiate for his time and effort. I just announce to him that this weekend I’m going to XXX, wanna come?
I don’t actually mind if he joins me or not. If he does, great, another shared adventure. If not , fine too – an adventure all of my own.

Maybe I do go on my own. I plan my flight and one Saturday morning I launch into the sky. Maybe I go mid-week, taking the multitude of accumulated lieu hours off from work in order to escape the weekend rush.
So I fly to wherever-the-hell-I-like and land, without incident. I find somewhere to park my plane. Pushing it back into the spot if needed and wander off in search of Coffee or a soft drink and food. Maybe I end up chatting with people in the café. They ask if I’m the Brit they’ve heard on the radio. Ice broken we delve into plane talk. We swap flying stories. I explain that my plane is merely a rental. We swap tales, plane quirks. I express my fondness for the plane because I soloed/Cross Countried/passed my flight test in her. I might bemoan her lack of pockets or tendency to nose up high all the time.

We’ll swap stories, airport hints, food finds. We might exchange contact details, promises of future meet ups if we happen to be passing. One pilot to another.
Then I return, plane back to CYTZ, me back to home. Refreshed, exhilarated and exhausted all at the same time. Ready to face whatever the world chooses to throw at me and already counting the days until I’m back in the air again.

So there you have it, fairly mundane as pilot’s dreams go but to me the very pinnacle of my hopes


* I don’t dream of having a bad week at work, but I am a realist!

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